Monday, 23 December 2013

7 week fitness challenge results!!!

So today was the 7 week mark since I started my fitness challenge to lose the baby weight. I will admit, I was nervous to get started because I hadn't seriously worked out in well over a year, and although I didn't eat too bad, I never really paid attention to what exactly I ate and how much of it. I knew giving up sweets would be the biggest challenge for me because I have a huge sweet tooth!

I chose this program because I loved the fact that it was only 25 minutes a day, I knew this was something that I would be able to squeeze into my busy day, even with a newborn and toddler. I ended up falling in love with it!! It didn't take me long to start noticing some changes either, and not just losing weight, but also gaining energy…funny how that works, right? You workout hard and have more energy then before you started! The shakeology really helped to curb my cravings (especially for sweets) and gave me energy!!

So was I successful? Absolutely! Did I have challenges? Of course I did!! Did I give up all 'unhealthy' food? No, I allowed myself treats! What helped me was my accountability group. If I was thinking about what to snack on that afternoon I reached for an apple instead of a cookie because I knew I would have to confess to my group later that day. The motivation and support of my challenge group was really what helped me to stay on track!!

So I lost a total of 12 lbs, 9.5 inches (chest, waist, hips, thighs) and gained .5 inch on each arm!!!!

Now to decide which program to do next…oh wait, I already did! This is the program I'm starting on Jan 6, and I'll be doing a brand new challenge group again!!! I'm very excited…and yes, nervous again, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to stick to it, but so worth it in the end!!

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